Michele Borelli

Michele Borelli

Studente del mese nel febbraio 2018

I’m happy to have chosen this school, because I’m having positive experience both in studying and with the staff.
A big family!

Michele Borelli

Il commento del nostro Service Manager Karolina.

Languages, like sports, require discipline, motivation and regularity to see progress. Michele has successfully transferred his sports philosophy into the area of studying English and has made great progress so far!
Regularly working on his Interactive Lessons in the Speaking Center and actively participating in Social Clubs and Complimentary Classes, Michele is making good use of all of the course benefits, thanks to which he already communicates in English with the teachers and the school staff. Even when things get a bit difficult (that horrible grammar! Michele approaches his lessons with a smile and a very optimistic attitude and with the support of his coaches (Personal Tutors and teachers) he overcomes all challenges! If you think the winter Olympics were happening in Pyeongchang this year, you should have seen Michele bravely and enthusiastically work his way through the course in February! Michele, Wall Street English awards you the gold medal and keep up the great work!